Saturday, February 4, 2017

The Week's Discussion: HR Technology's impact to Business managers

In this week's discussion, what I found the most valuable was determining how advantages in mobile technology can improve HR capabilities. Cloud computing was discussed as the more efficient method to organize information for the organization which in turn improves the user experience. In my discussion, an entry I wrote briefly on my company existing methods of payroll and timesheet that a medium for discussion around company colleague may be a great way to use store data with partnerships with IT. Human resource technology is changing every day and there are no signs of slowing down, areas in talent management to learning management are in attention to be digitally supported in approach (Shearer, 2016).

As a manager working with HR, the technology embedded in the different categories how manager and HR are related and supported with predictive analysis and metrics. This tool may be used m=by managers to get a sense of how much staff or caliber in expertise are needed in any given market area. My branch has been in a situation where we had a shortage in talent and HR and the regional manager had to step in with analytics based one need. Investments is a key are of profit in the branch so the new position was created to cater this demand such as a licensed banker. Recruiting and staffing are becoming more automated in hiring with software that tracks management platforms allowing focus on core operations.


Shearer, M. (2016, September 2) How to make sense of human resources technology. Venture Beat. Retrieved from

An article from an entrepreneur perspective describing HR technology landscape. Main topics include Talent and workforce management during the data-centric and technical age.

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