Sunday, February 5, 2017

Social Media and HR: SHRM discussions

In this week's SHRMConnect discussion, the exploration of social media platform was the highlight with more than 25 replies from the Orginal post. The focus was how HR was to keep up with the everyday changes technology brings to HR and how does the professional utilize sites like LinkedIn, Monster and Indeed to their advantage. Social media has been a center of many people lives with Facebook and using it for professional use is not different. To be effective with showing a profile that this descriptive and true, the HR representative, with enough online experience, can decipher whom to approach as a candidate for a company.

I have been a LinkedIn member since 2008, I am not a premium member and I get offers through the direct message from my account. The role of social media and humans resources has grown exponentially in the past five years, it has to be been a great tool, not only helping with company branding but also in communication with employee through apps like twitter and Google hangouts (Vassallo, 2015). The feedback received on this subject has explored primarily LinkedIn has been the great website to promote companies and find candidates but Facebook is becoming more popular for HR. The existence of social is a skill to master for HR representative and also follow a whole new code of conduct. The questioned I asked in SHRM that was on the subject of Metrics and HR but not as well received by social media subject:


Vassallo, J. (2015, September 26) Social Media’s Impact on the Human Resources Industry. Business 2 Community. Retrieved from

The article explore the impact of social media in HR in the past five years for recruitment and product announcement. Social media impact branding, monitoring, and communication with employees are discussed.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

The Week's Discussion: HR Technology's impact to Business managers

In this week's discussion, what I found the most valuable was determining how advantages in mobile technology can improve HR capabilities. Cloud computing was discussed as the more efficient method to organize information for the organization which in turn improves the user experience. In my discussion, an entry I wrote briefly on my company existing methods of payroll and timesheet that a medium for discussion around company colleague may be a great way to use store data with partnerships with IT. Human resource technology is changing every day and there are no signs of slowing down, areas in talent management to learning management are in attention to be digitally supported in approach (Shearer, 2016).

As a manager working with HR, the technology embedded in the different categories how manager and HR are related and supported with predictive analysis and metrics. This tool may be used m=by managers to get a sense of how much staff or caliber in expertise are needed in any given market area. My branch has been in a situation where we had a shortage in talent and HR and the regional manager had to step in with analytics based one need. Investments is a key are of profit in the branch so the new position was created to cater this demand such as a licensed banker. Recruiting and staffing are becoming more automated in hiring with software that tracks management platforms allowing focus on core operations.


Shearer, M. (2016, September 2) How to make sense of human resources technology. Venture Beat. Retrieved from

An article from an entrepreneur perspective describing HR technology landscape. Main topics include Talent and workforce management during the data-centric and technical age.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Communications Audits for qualitative measure

Conducting a communication audit proves that shaping at organization communication practices is put in into view by outlining the different type of assessments that will find the most efficient approaches in tracking HR systems. In the book HR from Outside In, Chapter 7 talks about who is an innovator or integrator on which high-performing teams are involved with a clear purpose and accountability. The Ins and Outs of a Communications Audit takes a look at how the qualities can improve by methods of interview, surveys, focus groups, observation etc. whichever is conducive to organization standards. Our company in the retail banking depends on surveys as a source capturing data from an audience reliant on email and/or intranet for communication purposes. The main purpose of a communications audit is to analyze the internal communication process based on best practice and systematic construct perspective, an essential method to bring plus value in communication problems. (Popescu & Crenicean, 2016). Having a measurable qualitative and specific understanding of how communications work from inside and outside an organization supports the direction in leadership in HR and line managers.

Managers working with HR

From a manager's perspective, establishing a clear communications audit wrings out the cons in particular to operations and putting forward the pros to building internal leadership stance. Driving performance is set by a leadership code according to the book HR from Outside in, that effective leadership plays as the strategist, executor, a talent manager or a developer of human resources. The direct relationship with HR help improve elements in frontline operations by identifying the best positions for a need of planning. A transformational leader, on the step up, impacts the follower performance by elicit extra-role behaviors of charisma, inspirational motivation,  intellectual stimulation,  individualized coaching and mentoring that stems from the branding of the type of leadership adopted (Morhart, Herzog & Tomczak, 2011). The ongoing learning of managers working with HR produces acceleration in team development with stronger innovations in communications.


Morhart, F. M., Herzog, W., & Tomczak, T. (2011). Turning employees into brand champions: LEADERSHIP STYLE MAKES A DIFFERENCE. GfK Marketing Intelligence Review, 3(2), 34-43,64. Retrieved from

The article that goes into detail the influence of "transactional leaders" in leadership branding to frontline employees. The influence and styles of leaders are compared to different styles that implicate productivity in management.

Popescu, M., & Crenicean, L. (2016). Organizational communication audit - plus value in business. Calitatea, 17, 173-181. Retrieved from

Defines personal and professional development through organization communications audits. Identifying the plus value in a business is the premise of the article with communications of internal and external aspects researched.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

SHRM dicussions: Change Champion

On this week's topic at the SHRMConnects, the main topic in discussion board is the change champion. David Ulrich described in the book HR from Outside In that change champion are HR professional and management the turn change theory into practice with insights that impacts the organization. I challenged the question of whether there is pushback from the organization when championing change and the response shares the same definition I have of resistance from lack of support. Managing organizational change is part of the many theories of change and Change Management being the systematic approach with the knowledge, tools, and application to deal with the change (SHRM, 2012) Below is the post of the discussion and a book by John Kotter, Leading Change, was also recommended:


SHRM (2012, Jul 20) Managing Organizational Change. Society for Human Resource Management. Retrieved from

An article that provides key overviews on organizational change. Sourced from the SHRM search engine, the article also provides how to overcome obstacles in the process.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Change Champions discussions

 This week we explore the aspects of the change in an organization and the counteractions that HR professionals act upon over a competitive landscape.  Change champions, in particular, are generally a good contribution to the process of building on a new vision in strategies. This concept of change agents is among the most valuable from this week material through the challenges faced in the management systems. Playing a leading role isn't an easy task when facilitating change especially when the external outcome is the bottom line out of the initiatives. 

To help explore the effectiveness of specific HR practices during a change process, it is important to evaluate the impact of employees commitments change by playing a strategic role being proactive rather than reactive (Maheshwari & Vohra 2015). It is not entirely up to the line managers but HR professionals as in the Hilton first example in Chapter 6 of HR from Outside in having a thorough planning through HR leadership in the anticipation of a major headquarters move and the battle in emerging markets.


Maheshwari, S., & Vohra, V. (2015). Identifying critical HR practices impacting employee perception and commitment during organizational change. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 28(5), 872-894. Retrieved from

Research on organization change and highlights of critical roles in HR practices. Methodology to findings involves literature review of best practices to the frameworks used during a change.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Relationships of HR and Line Manager: SHRM discussions

On this week post to SHRM, I brought to the conversation the utilities of the Capability Audit and creating the "signature experience. The focus most of the other discussions were on defining the item on the capability audit and evaluation of its results. On the book HR from Outside in, 13 capabilities are listed from Talent to Risks. From here, two are three are to be selected as the most critical. One of my colleagues pointed out is an all around audit is required with permission from the Board of directors.  In any situation, the capabilities are best to align on the specific strategies of the business. Speed is one of the capability that was pointed as a problem and how to address it. I believe the main purpose is not to focus on to must of the weakness but capitalize on the strengths. Unlike a corporate audit as (such as what our branch is currently undergoing, whether is Green or Red)  taking a good look at the critical becomes what is monitored and called in as Capabilities.

Line Manager connection with HR

The relationship with the front line manager to HR  is one of the most crucial links of delivering company success in creating a solid corporate community. With a Capability Audit proven to provide insights to HR professionals as a measure on clear factors in the alignment of HR strategy, the creation of the "signature experience" is one of the ideal goals within the company. The slight disconnect with managers is the different perspective of risk and expected value factored in their decision because of the divergence between research and practice (Becker, 1996) Working hand in hand with HR by manager identifying the current "signature experience" in the workplace community and blending in the efforts in aligning strategy and culture to create the ideal environment that benefits morale and an engaged network for employees.


Becker, B., Gerhart, G. (1996). The impact of human resource management on organizational performance. Academy of Management Journal. 39(4), pp. 779- 801.

A thorough research of conceptual and empirical work on human resource management and influence on organization performance. The purpose to accumulate a body of knowledge of best practices.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Credible Activist Discussions

 This week's readings focus on the actions of HR and the focus of time spent on what matters most for the organization. Being a Credible Activist from the book HR from Outside talks about the building of a relationship with frontline managers while demonstrating professionalism and value to the business through HR. The four elements of Credible Activism in Delivering results with Integrity, sharing of information, Building of trust and HR with attitude, which is the bottom line when mixing credibility and contributions of HR in the organizations. From my observation, many classmates chose Building Trust and I believe with good reason. I commented on a post and that it should have been number one in the list because it ties in all the elements and delivering results with the integrity show the where the priorities and skill set to build a relationship with a manager. In an interesting article for social engineering attacks, trust can be a liability or an asset that can be exploited but with increased collaboration and productivity with working in a teams helps HR leadership solve the problems (Cornell HR Review, 2016).

The most valuable piece of information I found this week was the "signature experience" podcast. In this interesting discussion in the interview, I can relate that the best people in the company are the ones that are unique and different from others. I've joined the banking industry for only a short period and I've already seen so many people come and go but I am one who has stayed in the same location for two consecutive years. I've gotten to know customers and recognize when they walk in and I always hear "there are always new faces around here" and I always have to explain. There is also some other colleague that I've observed with the longevity and it is through diligence and passion for the product and company is what makes her come on time every day. I believe it also comes to gaining a little respect for following the rules but also displaying one's own personality. HR has a challenging role when finding these people but a diamond is hidden through many people hired, it may take some patience from management.


Cornell HR Review (2016, September 20) A New Role for Human Resource Managers: Social Engineering Defense. Cornell HR Review. Retrieved from

An article from the HR review at Cornell University that provides an overview of risks of social engineering. HR department has a challenge of bridging old and new ways to combat this problem.