Sunday, January 22, 2017

Relationships of HR and Line Manager: SHRM discussions

On this week post to SHRM, I brought to the conversation the utilities of the Capability Audit and creating the "signature experience. The focus most of the other discussions were on defining the item on the capability audit and evaluation of its results. On the book HR from Outside in, 13 capabilities are listed from Talent to Risks. From here, two are three are to be selected as the most critical. One of my colleagues pointed out is an all around audit is required with permission from the Board of directors.  In any situation, the capabilities are best to align on the specific strategies of the business. Speed is one of the capability that was pointed as a problem and how to address it. I believe the main purpose is not to focus on to must of the weakness but capitalize on the strengths. Unlike a corporate audit as (such as what our branch is currently undergoing, whether is Green or Red)  taking a good look at the critical becomes what is monitored and called in as Capabilities.

Line Manager connection with HR

The relationship with the front line manager to HR  is one of the most crucial links of delivering company success in creating a solid corporate community. With a Capability Audit proven to provide insights to HR professionals as a measure on clear factors in the alignment of HR strategy, the creation of the "signature experience" is one of the ideal goals within the company. The slight disconnect with managers is the different perspective of risk and expected value factored in their decision because of the divergence between research and practice (Becker, 1996) Working hand in hand with HR by manager identifying the current "signature experience" in the workplace community and blending in the efforts in aligning strategy and culture to create the ideal environment that benefits morale and an engaged network for employees.


Becker, B., Gerhart, G. (1996). The impact of human resource management on organizational performance. Academy of Management Journal. 39(4), pp. 779- 801.

A thorough research of conceptual and empirical work on human resource management and influence on organization performance. The purpose to accumulate a body of knowledge of best practices.

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